The big step

Two days ago something big happened. One of the biggest things that has ever happened to me. I got engaged. I asked my Sweetheart Erica if she wanted to be mine forever. She said "Yes!" We did not say much after that, we had to deal with it for a while. All we did was hugging for twenty minutes!! After that we started talking about what text we should put in the rings. To be honest, it's not until now I realize that I really am engaged. I am so happy!
It is with her I want to spend my life, she is the one!

And don't forget; Never doubt love. You may feel that love kills you if you miss someone or you can't have them. That is not love, that is just bad feelings you get. Love is when you hold that one person you love and you feel that is the only place you should be!

RICKARD 14. FEBRUARI 2010; 16:25

Postat av: Emelie :)

Grattis till er två :D

2010-03-07 @ 16:34:57

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