
In life there are obstacles that we somehow need to face. It may feel like we are stuck in the same place not getting anywhere. We all have our reasons; some people have lost a person they loved, some people are in love and some are not getting any love. Being in love is a miracle but with love comes commitment, responsibilities and choices we must make. 

My obstacle is not love, it's just more complicated than that. It is distance, feelings I cannot control; it is the biggest desire of all; Love! We all need love, it's a part of human nature the way God intended us. I lose closeness and love every week and then getting it back a few days later. That's right, I have a distance relationship. Nobody thought we would make it, but against all odds we defeated the obstacles along the way and now it is time for our two-year anniversary. 

Feelings are a big obstacle but it is also the biggest asset. 

Just remember this; No matter who you are and where you come from, we all have a luggage and it is time we start dealing with it. No one else will do that for you...

RICKARD 10. Februari 2010; 21.42


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